Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Hello 2006!

I looked for a positive image to start off the New Year, and I came up with quite a few. I have all these great shots of me with friends, me with family, me actually on a surfboard (instead of falling off), me with cats, me at my favorite beach, and on and on. I thought about a generic shot without me in it to symbolically sum up my hopes for the coming year. But I chose these because going to Egypt has always been a dream of mine. And inspite of many difficulties just before and during the trip, including illness and emotional crises, I made that dream come true.

I've been inside a pyramid! I wandered through a pharoah's rock cut tomb and I floated over the Nile in a hot air balloon. With help from my generous travel companion Wendy, I made my dream happen. I truly hope that in 2006 I can make a few more lifelong ambitions come to pass.