Thursday, June 02, 2005

Letters from Dad

My father, Doc Berry, is an eloquent man with an acute sense of the absurd. Here's a bit from a recent email:

"Yesterday AM I ankled over for a cup of coffee at Starbucks and encountered along the way no fewer than six parents with infants in arms. It became a kind of census of youthful happiness. One man had his toddler on his shoulder, a hat on the runt, a floppy hat on himself, and an umbrella over them both. Shade as happiness. A woman had her kid bare to the sun, the boy smiling and waving shyly to passersby. Others were kootchy-cooing as their kids trundled along in elaborate baby buggies. Each of the kids looked so secure and happy, as did the parents, which led me to yearn not for a kid to carry, mind you, but for someone to roll me around in a buggy of my own."