If you've somehow magically reached this page and are looking for the most recent info on me and my books, please head on over to Ninaberry.com!
I'm retiring this site with a nostalgic sigh. It has served me well, but it was getting a bit old fashioned and creaky. My new site is linked to Tumblr and will feature all the photos, quotes, and blog posts I like and write, with more wide-ranging content that changes daily.
This site will remain up as an archive of my older blog posts, with a link to it on the new site if for any reason you ever want to come back here.
Now - onward! To the future!
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
Tax Season Goodreads Giveaway of the Otherkin Series!
To help alleviate the evil stress of tax season (I just finished doing mine and - ick!), I'm giving away the entire OTHERKIN series to three lucky people on Goodreads.
Just to be clear and pedantic and all that, three people will win the entire trilogy - OTHERKIN, OTHERMOON, and OTHERSPHERE! All books will be personally signed by me because, well, I'm the author. And I'll throw in a bunch of bookmarks for the winners too.
Makes you wanna howl at the moon, doesn't it?
Giveaway starts midnight April 2 and ends midnight, April 15, so go now and enter!
I'm really sorry to all my international readers, but this giveaway is US only. I hate having to do that, but the international postage rates are murder. You can buy the books for less money than it takes to ship them internationally. Crazy!
Here's the lovely Goodreads widget you can click on to enter.
Thanks, everyone, and I hope you all get a giant tax refund!
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
The Czech Cover of OTHERKIN!
I was writing another blog post today (it'll be published on Thursday), and googled "otherkin series" as a quick easy way to find images and - pow! I saw this:
The cover of OTHERKIN for the Czech edition!
My first international edition, and the first time I've seen my name on something in a different language. A language I don't know! And her hair is super red! Are those tattoos on her arm? How exactly does the title in Czech translate?
So many happy questions!
I'm a tad excited.
It's on Goodreads here.
The cover of OTHERKIN for the Czech edition!
My first international edition, and the first time I've seen my name on something in a different language. A language I don't know! And her hair is super red! Are those tattoos on her arm? How exactly does the title in Czech translate?
So many happy questions!
I'm a tad excited.
It's on Goodreads here.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Shades & Shadows
This Saturday, some time after 8:30pm PST, I'll be standing on this stage, trying not to look nervous, as I read from my books.
You should come see me!
Well, if you're in or around Southern California, that is.
The event is called Shades & Shadows, and it's taking place at the deliciously named California Institute of the Abnormalarts in North Hollywood, California, this Saturday, March 15, starting at 8:30.
Other dark fantasy, horror, and sci fi writers will also be reading from their works, including Zach Morrissette, S.P. Hendrick, Becket, Chiwan Choi, and Cherisse Yanit-Nadal.
The subject matter can be dark and disturbing, I'm told, so this is probably an adults or older teens only event. I'm currently going through my books, looking for the most twisted things in them to see what to read. I'm not really a "dark" writer, but every story has a dark side, or else how can the light shine through?
It's $10 to get in, and they sell beer, wine, and a few spirits to those who wish to imbibe. I'll be drinking AFTER, most likely, in relief. Mostly I'm looking forward to hearing the other writers' material. Hanging with my fellow scribblers is always interesting.
Hope to see some of you there!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
What Kind of Shifter Are You?
Yep, I wrote one of those cool personality quizzes, but this one's based on the shifter clans in my books.
Are you a....
Big cat shifter?
A raptor shifter?
A bear shifter?
A wolf shifter?
Or a rat shifter?

Don't worry. As November would tell you, rat shifters are by far the coolest.
Go here to find out. (Sorry, it's only available on Facebook.)
Are you a....
Big cat shifter?

A raptor shifter?

A bear shifter?

A wolf shifter?

Or a rat shifter?

Don't worry. As November would tell you, rat shifters are by far the coolest.

Go here to find out. (Sorry, it's only available on Facebook.)
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Tweet and Watch Along with me Tonight!
I'm setting up for this right now! See you soon! Follow me on the @YASeriesInsider account or via the hashtag #YASImovie!
I'll be tweeting instructions and caveats and info starting 15 minutes before I start the movie. All from the @YASeriesInsider account.
If I don't "see" you there - have a great MLK Jr. Weekend!
Monday, January 13, 2014
I Can't Stop Giving Books Away!
Things are BUSY. And yay for that!
On top of rewriting the first PAGAN JONES book while outlining the second, on top of my day job and getting feral kittens neutered, on top of my current blog tour, I'm giving away five signed copies of OTHERSPHERE on Goodreads. It starts today and goes for two weeks.
If you're on Goodreads, get thee hence!
Meanwhile, you can read Cici Theories flattering review of the entire OTHERKIN series here.
And you can read my Top Ten Places in the World on The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club here.
Both have links to my big, fat, fabulous giveaway, in which you can win books and this pretty, fierce tiger necklace:
And earrings and bookmarks.
Tiger books and jewelry for all! I wish.
Oh, and this Sunday I'm doing the first Movie Tweet-Along for YA Series Insiders. We'll be watching The Mortal Instruments! I haven't seen it yet, love the books, and can't wait to watch.
Join me for appreciation and snark!
Until then, I'll be over here...
On top of rewriting the first PAGAN JONES book while outlining the second, on top of my day job and getting feral kittens neutered, on top of my current blog tour, I'm giving away five signed copies of OTHERSPHERE on Goodreads. It starts today and goes for two weeks.
If you're on Goodreads, get thee hence!
Meanwhile, you can read Cici Theories flattering review of the entire OTHERKIN series here.
And you can read my Top Ten Places in the World on The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club here.
Both have links to my big, fat, fabulous giveaway, in which you can win books and this pretty, fierce tiger necklace:
And earrings and bookmarks.
Tiger books and jewelry for all! I wish.
Oh, and this Sunday I'm doing the first Movie Tweet-Along for YA Series Insiders. We'll be watching The Mortal Instruments! I haven't seen it yet, love the books, and can't wait to watch.
Join me for appreciation and snark!
Until then, I'll be over here...
Saturday, January 11, 2014
This Week on "Nina Does a Blog Tour"
My first blog tour started last Monday, and it goes till next Wednesday, and so far so pretty darn good!
Our adventure so far starts New Years Eve, when Othersphere was born. (Even though more than one person told me they got it early! I've learned that happens often with books. No biggie.) Since I finished Othersphere, I've written the first book in a whole new series, and I was feeling a bit distant from the Otherkin trilogy. My head had gone to completely different places since Dez and her friends set foot in another world, where the moon has a heartbeat all its own...
But my emotional distance was also partially due to the fact that it was the last in my trilogy and that thought made me sad, so I chose to concentrate on other things.
The journey back to Othersphere started with me writing this post for Read It In Houston, about why I wrote the series in the first place. I started to get back in touch with my inner tiger.
I highly recommend it.
Then the holidays hit, and I kept writing blog posts for my upcoming blog tour while celebrating with family and friends, eating home-made tamales and seeing movies.
The actual day the book came out was a busy one - I had to take my cat Lucy to the vet (She's doing fine. Here she is enjoying the Los Angeles sunshine and keeping her highlights brown):
I also talked to my lovely editor on the phone, and (poor me) hung with fabulous friends for New Year's Eve. I did a bit of book birthday social media blah blah blah, but book birthday's are weird things. People get the book on their e-readers (a couple of people were sweet enough to let me know they got theirs! I have such great friends) and it's now officially available in hard copies as well.
But it's not like the book leaps out of a cake and does a striptease. (Wish I could find a .gif of that!) Oh well.
It's magical and weird and awesome, but it's not as if your book parachutes down amidst fireworks or emerges from the primordial ooze to crawl at last upon the land. It's all oddly abstract for the author. For me the book was done six months ago. But that's how it has to work in publishing.
I was back at work on Jan 2, a bit shellshocked to return to the real world. I mailed off a bunch of books and swag to the winners of the YA Series Insiders launch giveaways (the main winner got over $1,000 worth of goodies from 11 different authors - crazy! Be sure to check out the YASI blog and keep checking for more giveaways. We've currently got one for the hot January releases going.)
Then - dun dun DUUUN! My first blog tour commenced. I'm giving away signed copies of all three Otherkin books, a gorgeous tiger necklace, fearless earrings to evoke that inner tiger, and more! Go here to see the whole deal, or read on.
First, a nice review at Ren's Rambles.
Second, an interview at Para Your Normal.
Third, a not as thrilled review (I'm being honest here, but don't get used to it!) at Hope, Love and Happy Endings.
Fourth, a super fun Dream Cast post at Taking it One Book at a Time.
Fifth, a review of the first book, OTHERKIN, at Bibliophilia, Please. (Because OTHERSPHERE is the last in the series, I thought it would be best to give the bloggers a choice as to which book to review.)
And tomorrow, a review of OTHERSPHERE by the lovely Jenna Does Books. No link to that actual review yet because it hasn't been posted, but here's a hint - she gave it five stars on Goodreads!
After that:
January 12th: CiCi Theories REVIEW ALL 3 BOOKS
January 13th: Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club TENS LIST
January 14th: Dream With In A Dream REVIEW ALL 3 BOOKS
January 15th: TTC Books And More SPOTLIGHT & EXCERPT
In the meantime, I got a nice mention in USA Today, I Smell Sheep reviewed OTHERSPHERE, as did Book Hoarder Mom, and Maci and Zoe Read Books published a very fun interview I did with them.
My best friend sent me flowers to commemorate the book coming out.
And so many nice messages on FB and twitter! My head is still spinning!
It was a relief to go to Lissa Price's launch for ENDERS and think about someone else's books for a little while. And of course I snagged copies of STARTERS and ENDERS signed by Lissa.
Hmm. Could be the makings of another giveaway...
Thanks for tolerating all my yim-yamming about this past week. Figured I should do my due diligence by listing it all, and thanking all the bloggers and Book Nerd Blog Tours for reading the books and taking the time to post things.
All the attention is amazing, don't get me wrong. I engineered a fair amount of it, after all, by setting up the blog tour. But I'm an introvert at heart, so I'm kind of excited to be working on the outline for my next book this weekend. I'd rather tell stories than blabber on about ME.
ME is boring.
ME and YOU on an adventure, in a story? That's more like it.
Our adventure so far starts New Years Eve, when Othersphere was born. (Even though more than one person told me they got it early! I've learned that happens often with books. No biggie.) Since I finished Othersphere, I've written the first book in a whole new series, and I was feeling a bit distant from the Otherkin trilogy. My head had gone to completely different places since Dez and her friends set foot in another world, where the moon has a heartbeat all its own...
But my emotional distance was also partially due to the fact that it was the last in my trilogy and that thought made me sad, so I chose to concentrate on other things.
The journey back to Othersphere started with me writing this post for Read It In Houston, about why I wrote the series in the first place. I started to get back in touch with my inner tiger.
I highly recommend it.
Then the holidays hit, and I kept writing blog posts for my upcoming blog tour while celebrating with family and friends, eating home-made tamales and seeing movies.
The actual day the book came out was a busy one - I had to take my cat Lucy to the vet (She's doing fine. Here she is enjoying the Los Angeles sunshine and keeping her highlights brown):
I also talked to my lovely editor on the phone, and (poor me) hung with fabulous friends for New Year's Eve. I did a bit of book birthday social media blah blah blah, but book birthday's are weird things. People get the book on their e-readers (a couple of people were sweet enough to let me know they got theirs! I have such great friends) and it's now officially available in hard copies as well.
But it's not like the book leaps out of a cake and does a striptease. (Wish I could find a .gif of that!) Oh well.
It's magical and weird and awesome, but it's not as if your book parachutes down amidst fireworks or emerges from the primordial ooze to crawl at last upon the land. It's all oddly abstract for the author. For me the book was done six months ago. But that's how it has to work in publishing.
I was back at work on Jan 2, a bit shellshocked to return to the real world. I mailed off a bunch of books and swag to the winners of the YA Series Insiders launch giveaways (the main winner got over $1,000 worth of goodies from 11 different authors - crazy! Be sure to check out the YASI blog and keep checking for more giveaways. We've currently got one for the hot January releases going.)
Then - dun dun DUUUN! My first blog tour commenced. I'm giving away signed copies of all three Otherkin books, a gorgeous tiger necklace, fearless earrings to evoke that inner tiger, and more! Go here to see the whole deal, or read on.
First, a nice review at Ren's Rambles.
Second, an interview at Para Your Normal.
Third, a not as thrilled review (I'm being honest here, but don't get used to it!) at Hope, Love and Happy Endings.
Fourth, a super fun Dream Cast post at Taking it One Book at a Time.
Fifth, a review of the first book, OTHERKIN, at Bibliophilia, Please. (Because OTHERSPHERE is the last in the series, I thought it would be best to give the bloggers a choice as to which book to review.)
And tomorrow, a review of OTHERSPHERE by the lovely Jenna Does Books. No link to that actual review yet because it hasn't been posted, but here's a hint - she gave it five stars on Goodreads!
After that:
January 12th: CiCi Theories REVIEW ALL 3 BOOKS
January 13th: Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club TENS LIST
January 14th: Dream With In A Dream REVIEW ALL 3 BOOKS
January 15th: TTC Books And More SPOTLIGHT & EXCERPT
In the meantime, I got a nice mention in USA Today, I Smell Sheep reviewed OTHERSPHERE, as did Book Hoarder Mom, and Maci and Zoe Read Books published a very fun interview I did with them.
My best friend sent me flowers to commemorate the book coming out.
And so many nice messages on FB and twitter! My head is still spinning!
It was a relief to go to Lissa Price's launch for ENDERS and think about someone else's books for a little while. And of course I snagged copies of STARTERS and ENDERS signed by Lissa.
Hmm. Could be the makings of another giveaway...
Thanks for tolerating all my yim-yamming about this past week. Figured I should do my due diligence by listing it all, and thanking all the bloggers and Book Nerd Blog Tours for reading the books and taking the time to post things.
All the attention is amazing, don't get me wrong. I engineered a fair amount of it, after all, by setting up the blog tour. But I'm an introvert at heart, so I'm kind of excited to be working on the outline for my next book this weekend. I'd rather tell stories than blabber on about ME.
ME is boring.
ME and YOU on an adventure, in a story? That's more like it.
blog tour,
dream cast,
USA Today,
young adult
Friday, January 03, 2014
OTHERSPHERE Blog Tour Begins Next Week!
So this starts on Monday...
So, my cherbim, I'll be hopping from one blog to the next, a new one every day, deluging you with book excerpts, interviews, my dream cast (if the books were to become movies), a big FAT giveaway and more!
Details are here. But I'll be bothering you every day here and on all my many social media sites with links and all that jazz.
Did someone say jazz? Let me see your jazz hands!

More on Monday.
Oh, you're going to be SO sick of me!
So, my cherbim, I'll be hopping from one blog to the next, a new one every day, deluging you with book excerpts, interviews, my dream cast (if the books were to become movies), a big FAT giveaway and more!
Details are here. But I'll be bothering you every day here and on all my many social media sites with links and all that jazz.
Did someone say jazz? Let me see your jazz hands!

More on Monday.
Oh, you're going to be SO sick of me!
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