Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Write the Book You Want to Read and Give the Speech...

I didn't attend SCBWI's New York conference this year, but I wish I'd been able to listen to keynote speaker Sara Zarr. The kidlit internet has been alive with admiration for what they heard her say, and after reading more about it here, I just had to post the link.

It's the speech she wanted to hear when she attended conferences, before she was published, while she was filled with frustration.  It's about leading a creative life, and how that's the point of it all.

An agent at a conference told her: "The time between when you are no longer a beginner but you are not yet in the business is the hardest and no one can tell you how long this phase will last."

So what do you do during that phase?

You lead a creative life.


Read more about what Sara Zarr said here.


Scott Sager said...

It really was a moving speech. This was my third SCBWI conference and I've been aware that maybe 90% of those attending are unpublished and most will stay that way. Yet year after year they, and I (and you), keep doing this writing thing. The BIG Names (R.L. Stine, Jules Feiffer, etc) were entertaining and inspiring but it was Sara Zarr who really spoke to us, in the room and not.

Nina Berry said...

So true, Scott! Lucky you were there to hear it in person. Wtiting is so hard. When you see a published writer speak to that in a way that resonates so much, you can't help but be inspired. And we need that inspiration... badly.